Wednesday, 18 March 2009



its a DEFENSIVE thing - I have just realised. Attack being the best form of defence.

If we could adjust the psyche of the WASP [white anglo saxon plonker ] just a fraction back from neanderthal and hyenesque then car wars would be over.

It all ties in with what I was saying about the inherant minding of others' business. Its a flaw I think that drives [!] out other perfectly good citizens - to France or the moors or Sherwood forest. The instinct is valid - see blog - ...But when it becomes disproportionate and missplaced it is - in my oh so humble opinion - a DISease.

People feel UNeasy - they compensate by carcooning themseles and taking the argument TO the enemy [anyone] who canot reply or defend.. and the arms race starts as any war escalates.. As the Eirish problem - how 2 initiate disarmamment - and in a slump there is more anxt more called 2 arms..

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