Saturday 28 February 2009

Way out! of this mess

Because there was the received wisdom in Whitehall that the U.S. was the cornerstone financially of the developed world. Like ailing weaklings at school, we allied ourselves to the captain of Rugby [going into Iraq]. Almost like farmers are either "in" with tesco or they may as well give up ....

Now we know that the captain was a fraud - he had over-hyped himself - to gain credit/creditors to buy a shiny Porsche - so he could get laid - cos he couldn't due to his lack of fibre or manhood...

The rightness of the likes of Minister Clare Short ..? who said don't go to Iraq - it will only fuel extremist attacks on the U.K. seem trivial now. Not to mention dead Kelly. I like to think the Gov broadly acted in our best interests - in an underhand way as they thought they knew better - they were just wrong.

Now the rot has destroyed the West's shiny facade from the inside. It is Islamic banking that is coming to the fore .. The q'uran forbids the charging of interest , just as the bible does. More Muslims follow this rule than do Christians. hence they are less effected by the credit crunch. Banque etc.. ...there 's a beautiful circularity about this - I haven't .. down on silicon

And don't say that it is easy to say that in hindsight - I've been fighting this mindset for years be it on a motorbike on the streets of EC1.... or ..

The country has been miss-lead and miss-guided countless times before. Our constitution has proved conducive to ...reconstitution and the constitution [magna carta effectively?] allows for it [and was born out of one such miss leader's misconduct - king John]

Like species that adapt to a new environment - the seeds of what made Britain [and its off-shoot the li'l' ol' U.S of A.] great which [lets face it plaid a large part in the format of civilisation today] lie dormant. Every child is born with the potential to be as creative as Isaac Newton or Brunel.. their teachers lurk in sheds all over the country pitting their engines and ingenuity against each other honing their skills like an army waiting to be called to arms. - - Sport was devised to occupy armies between campaigns [racquets replaced swords - goals replaced castles to storm..] Motorsport and hobbies do the same for the would-be designers and drivers of manufacturing.. You only have to watch scrapheap challenge and robot wars!!

What is left to invent though ..?
NOW is the opportunity to usher in true quality of life which we were promised.
get away from this work to spend dependant economy Innovation in social policy is required too. Leave that to me. We will be on 3 day weeks with robots doing the rest.

Why do we oppose this idea?
we NEED to earn..
...the economy feeds and depends revenue from our own people's exaggerated addiction to buying products and services because we do not export. A robotics industry would change all that.

Robbing Hoods

I am heartened that people in media manage to get their GOOD subliminal messages across to kids...

Robin hood: beware evil Governments

Dr Who.. beware evil Governments [pigs disguised as human]...

I guess the bad guys don't watch TV witheir kids ... figures.

Long may it continue that's what are seya [ Geordie 4 "I say".. dunno y juslipt out ]


like many things that come from the creator and in this case are part of the process of creation [reproducing] has been abused.

I don't mean .you know... I mean that its more and more no longer a thing of love and.. it is of money and power - lucifer's department.

In certain countries that post coital haize is celebrated - here its more like a weakness..

Tax replacement

I am working on my drawing board and I like that I am drawing the engineering picture for ... MYSELF... 80 % of the normal workload is gone - communicating it to someone else!! [I know what I mean!!] makes you think.... if you do stuff yourself rather than pay someone else [and the chancellor takes his cut of wage and heating and transport] to fit something that someone else has been paid to design [and the chancellor takes his cut of wage and heating and transport], communicated it to someone else who was paid to fabricate it [and the chancellor takes his cut of wage and heating and transport].. if one just takes a day off work.
I know, I know you all consciously don't do that as you know that it is our duty - all of us to pay as much tax as possible for the common good. what? You don't? Sounds commy you say ?- oh THAT'S why you act like a staffordshire bull terrier whose mother I've just shot when faced with such ideas...You're just a brainless herding "meat-head" psycho with a white van ? .. Oh i see.

look, I know it won't work if we all lived like Tom and Barbara Good [look it up]. If the japs and germans wanted to invade [who says they need to now - they have all our cash ...[the Hondas merc' BMW's ,Audis VW's etc. you bought and the Bosche drill .. need I go on..] they could just potter over in a rib or 2 and just march into Westminster - due to depleated [inland] revenue, we'd not be able to aford an army ...or roads for that matter

I resent having to be "plaid" like lab rats, executives studying spending habits - the whole economy depending on greed and largely the absence of self reliance and basicly any morale fibre or spirituality ... I would like it if we to live a little more self determined, if we were credited with enough altruism to contribute to the common good .. I actually think that the British psyche has evolved over centuries to cater for this - It's called sticking ones' nose in everyone's business.. If someone wasn't pulling their weight they'd soon be hounded out vlillified[look this word up] and ostricised from [village] life. It's a common trait . Almost purpose built to actually serve a purpose; enforcing contributions to common good .. tax replacement!!

Raison d'etre - rather hurried - tired item sorry

What makes us human? - that expression usually means what makes us fallible.
I mean what makes us successfull compared to other animals.
Invention. To create tools ; be they axes , fire, weapons or automobiles...

Consumerism dis.courages this aspect of our nature. We tend to return to base instincts and reliance on manufactured goods - no self reliance ... and complain if it doesn't work
if it breaks buy a new one

I am a product designer .. it urks me that the best designs are overlooked unless they are in fashion or look nice .. people's intellects have gone South.. [well i would say that]

It may be that the powers that be prefer us like this as it generates more VATax... who am I 2 say?

It all tes in with the dog eat dog rat race
greed envy covetting ..violence lack of consideration...

choose not to

they won't come knocking your door in.. not just yet anyway

White Flag day

We have red nose day every year. It was a success due 2 its originality - so it got repeated and thus killed its originality.
We also have white flag with a red cross on it month every other year [Beckham dependant obviously]..

I suggest white flag day - like in WW1 at xmas they lay down their arms and just plaid football. I'm talking about road wars. like swear box - anyone who is inconsiderate gets reported - anyone who gets more than 3 calls has to pay a fine. this only applies to those who are displaying [and have therefore purchased a white [car] flag and registered their details]. Money 2 charidy

You never know, it might be WORTH repeating annually or even monthly!! Anyone without a flag is hounded off the road and hunted down with sticks... except me I'm exempt.

Incidentally has anyone get a copy the minutes from that meeting that outlawed consideration - anticipation and brought in throttle usage as a means of stressing one's superiority as a human being - I missed it. Suits those receiving revenue from tax on oil as it obviously sees more fuel used - bigger cars more leaden loud pedal boots a la clarkson [jeremi]. wonder what J would say i wonder what lucifer thinks ...its quite good for frustrating, enraging people, alienating, and preventing social harmony, wonder if he picked up on that ...see how I left the dodgy bit to the end? .. c. u. in hell