Wednesday, 26 December 2012


if everyone suddenly became aware ( or even gradually).. that we all seek to impose whatever restrictons (that we resent) on freedom that have been successfully 'loaded' on our psyche software ..on others.
hence though we resent our parents.. we eventually become them.
maybe just if we were all more self aware.. .especially women and men wonn have to waste their time trying to find the hidden truth in their actions and words
. then perhaps we would be a happier species.
long sentence i know.. will edit when not ill

specifically what brought all this to mind was a documentary about the fact that O large portion of the British populus are descended from ancestores with generations of ingrained "in service" mentality.. That explains why so many people appear mad to me mouthing off re "them" and all and yet incapable of not obediently complying with rip off britain and q ing up for it to boot .. also women were subservient for generations .. and men were bred to survive and fight .. so we're as out of water as animals in a cozy warm zoo.ans developing as many strange ticks and OCD ism's

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